Moreover, Continuous Inspection has the added benefit of making it more likely that risks can be reduced at every step along the way, rather than waiting until the very end of a project. 而且,持续检查带来的额外好处有:风险在每一步上都可以降低,而不必等到项目后期。
Based on the risk levels and failure mechanism, an inspection planning is provided, primarily by reducing the probability of failure, to reduce the higher risks. 根据风险大小和失效机理,以减少失效的可能性为主,制订有效的检验计划,可降低高风险的设备。
On September 7, 2001, China formally announced the entry-exit inspection and quarantine risk alert and quick responding regulations on the management of inspection and quarantine, warning of the risks of information collection, risk assessment, risk alarming measures do the rules. 2001年9月7日,我国正式公布《出入境检验检疫风险预警及快速反应管理规定》,对检验检疫风险预警的信息收集、风险评估、风险预警措施等方面都做了规定。